How do charity names end up on Givsum?

The U.S. Government publishes and maintains a public database of all U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations at: Givsum uses that public database to provide philanthropically-minded individuals with a means of easily searching and finding any charity with which they might like to get involved, such as yours, and the ability to keep track of their philanthropy (one place to log their donations, volunteer hours and inspire others to do the same through social media). Learn more.

Users who designate donations for charities that are not on the Givsum platform are processed through the FLOC Foundation and issued a check (less all applicable fees) as a grant within 30 business days. Charities do not need to be claimed on Givsum in order to receive FLOC Foundation grants. 

If you would like your charity removed from our searchable database of U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations we are more than happy to cooperate with such a request. Please mail your request, stating your name and title on your organization’s letterhead, to Givsum, Inc. at 17 Kaitlyn Ct., Aliso Viejo, CA 92656.

Once removed from our searchable database, in order to be reinstated, we will need another letter from someone authorized to make such a request on your organization’s letterhead, along with a reinstatement fee.

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